The Top 10 Greatest Unpopular Michael Jackson Songs | The Odyssey Online
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The Top 10 Greatest Unpopular Michael Jackson Songs

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The Top 10 Greatest Unpopular Michael Jackson Songs

I make it well known that I am a HUGE fan of Michael Jackson (even before he died). I own every album he's ever released, numerous posters, t-shirts, and countless memorabilia, so it's not surprising that I know every song of his word for word. Because of my passion for MJ, I've discovered some of his greatest songs--and they aren't his number one hits. Yes, that's right people. MJ has other songs besides "Thriller" and "Billie Jean." So, to help the general public become educated on some phenomenal music, here's 10 of Michael Jackson's greatest unpopular songs in no particular order.

1. "Keep the Faith" ("Dangerous" album)

This song has it all -- gospel, pop, funk, and a little bit of R&B that allows it to be one of Michael's most inspiring songs. It's a song of encouragement, that you can do anything you set your mind too. So, the next time you're feeling down or just want to sing something uplifting, this song is for you.

2. "Speechless" ("Invincible" album)

Oh don't even get me STARTED on this song. Michael truly outdid himself with this romantic ballad, especially vocally. The song includes a section where's there's no music, just Michael singing and it gets me every time.

3. "For All Time" ("Thriller 25th Anniversary Edition")

Well, here we are with another slow romantic ballad that really tugs at your heart strings. This song was not originally released with the "Thriller" album, but instead included as a bonus track on the 25th anniversary edition of "Thriller." Singing in a deeper falsetto, Michael shines in this lovely tune.

4. "Workin' Day and Night" (Off the Wall album)

This groovy tune comes from Michael's first solo album and easily makes you want to get up and dance. Filled with with funky beats and trumpets, this song is a real party starter.

5. "Give In to Me" (Dangerous album)

Michael showcases his vast array of musical abilities in this rock-influenced song. Accompanied by Slash on guitar, "Give In to Me" is sure to make you want to rock on all day long.

6. "Human Nature" (Thriller album)

It's likely that this is the most well known song on my list, and for good reason. With Michael's gentle vocals and a mesmerizing beat, "Human Nature" is a song that will always be a classic in my book.

7. "Unbreakable" featuring the Notorious B.I.G. (Invincible album)

I bet you didn't know that Michael collaborated with the Notorious B.I.G., did you? Well, he did and the result was this amazing song. Its hip hop flare and confident lyrics make this song one that you won't want to miss.

8. "Liberian Girl" ("Bad" album)

There's not many unpopular songs from the "Bad" album since it produced five number one singles, but "Liberian Girl" is an unknown gem that many don't know about. Focused on this mysterious girl, the song has a slower beat and exemplifies Michael's singing abilities.

9. "Is It Scary" ("Blood On the Dance Floor" album)

Sort of like a mini "Thriller," "Is It Scary" talks about things that are just that -- scary. Creaking doors, ghastly smells, and monsters under the bed are just some of the things Jackson sings about. But this song has an underlying message -- everything isn't as it seems.

10. "Who Is It" ("Dangerous" album)

In my opinion, the whole Dangerous album is seriously underrated, and this song is one of the main reasons. Michael's lower falsetto and an intense beat sets the tone for a tune that's all about an unfaithful lover.

So, there you have it folks, ten Michael Jackson songs that are highly underrated and deserve more recognition but then again, who can blame anyone for cranking up the radio when "Billie Jean" plays?!

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